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2013-03-16 07:01:14 -0600 commented answer opencv for android2.4.4 How to instantiate a CameraBridgeViewBase surface with out xml

Ok, but how can I correctly write the constructor to initiate a JavaCameraView . I don't understand how to pass the "Context context, AttributeSet attrs" this two parameter.... since there is no examples doing this.

2013-03-16 04:07:34 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2013-03-15 22:19:24 -0600 asked a question opencv for android2.4.4 How to instantiate a CameraBridgeViewBase surface with out xml

How to instantiate a CameraBridgeViewBase surface so that I can use setContentView(cvCam) with out firstly describe it in the layout xml file.