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2013-04-05 12:04:12 -0600 asked a question First CUDA Call Takes Over 45 Seconds

All, the title describes my problem. I know the that the first CUDA call initializes a ton of CUDA contexts, but on my CARMA Devboard this takes over 45 second. The first call to a cv::gpu::Mat which actually constructs the memory blocks for a very long time.

  1. Is this normal?
  2. Is there a way to speed it up? Is this caused by JIT compiling cuda object files?

Thank you

2013-04-05 12:01:59 -0600 commented answer Compiling OpenCV 2.4.4a - Java Test Fails

That didn't work for me, as the flag does not exist in any of the CMake files.

2013-03-13 20:43:26 -0600 commented question Problem with cvCalcHist

How does cvCalcHist know how many frames are in your arrays?

2013-03-13 20:36:32 -0600 answered a question Compiling OpenCV 2.4.4a - Java Test Fails

Very Active Q & A ... Anyways my solution was to blow away the source directory in modules/java with a nice little

rm -rf java


2013-03-13 20:34:56 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2013-03-13 20:34:08 -0600 asked a question cvCvtColor Throws Exception With IplImage

I am having a similar problem to

I am filling an IplImage with a PPM I have parsed. I am very sure that the RGB and BGR are flipped. The red and blue bars are flipped in the OpenCV window while my GIMP window shows the original picture.

The following call fails:

cvCvtColor(&display_image, &display_image,  CV_BGR2RGB);


OpenCV Error: Bad argument (Unknown array type) in cvarrToMat, file /home/constantin/Libraries/OpenCV-2.4.3/modules/core/src/matrix.cpp, line 697 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception'
what():  /home/constantin/Libraries/OpenCV-2.4.3/modules/core/src/matrix.cpp:697: error: (-5) Unknown array type in function cvarrToMat

If I comment the call out the image displays but the colors are obviously incorrect. Could anyone offer any advice?

2013-03-12 15:49:14 -0600 received badge  Critic (source)
2013-03-12 01:29:18 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2013-03-11 16:01:41 -0600 commented question Compiling OpenCV 2.4.4a - Java Test Fails

This problem is incredibly unnerving as OpenCV is a very large library that doesn't build very quickly. I am attempting to reuse builds but I continuously have to recompile a few modules only to return to this problem. I have tried many flags.

2013-03-11 15:43:15 -0600 asked a question Compiling OpenCV 2.4.4a - Java Test Fails

All, I am attempting to build OpenCV 2.4.4a. I have built OpenCV many times but it seems like the newest distribution has malfunctioning build code.

My compilation fails at:

[ 87%] Build Java tests
Buildfile: .../OpenCV-2.4.4/release/modules/java/test/.build/build.xml


    [javac] Compiling 104 source files to .../OpenCV-2.4.4/release/modules/java/test/.build/build/classes

.../OpenCV-2.4.4/release/modules/java/test/.build/build.xml:55: The following error occurred while executing this line:
.../OpenCV-2.4.4/release/modules/java/test/.build/build.xml:19: .../OpenCV-2.4.4/release/modules/java/test/.build/lib does not exist.

I have tried finding information on how to disable this java library, I have no use for it. Can anyone offer some advice?