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2020-09-16 10:41:45 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2013-03-11 09:15:21 -0600 commented question Closed eye detection C++

@kaipyroami I can detect both open and closed eyes together. But can't tell whether the detected eye is open or close. And I can detect if the eye is left or right through haarcascade_mcs_lefteye & haarcascade_mcs_righteye

@awknaust I knew about the training. As a beginner I found it very heard. So I was trying to find an alternative. I will try though.

2013-03-09 08:17:05 -0600 asked a question Closed eye detection C++

I I need to detect closed eyes only and also both eyes separately. That means I need to tell if left eye is open or closed, also same about the right eye.

I tried few ways. One of them is to detect eyes with haarcascade_eye and haarcascade_eye_tree_eyeglasses separately and then compare the results. If both detect eye, then eye open, if one detect and another can't,then eye closed. This trick was taken from this link:

But it doesn't work as expected.eye cascade detectors don't work as mentioned in the link. Much close results are found with those haarcascade that I mentioned above. Sometimes it gives correct result, sometimes it can't. I don't know why. Besides it can't be told with this method that which eye is open and which eye is closed.

Now can someone help me to solve this?? At least I need a way to tell that one of the eyes is closed regardless which one and need to do that accurately. Please help.......