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2015-11-10 02:30:45 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2015-11-09 21:40:14 -0600 commented answer how to calculate the horizontal width of chest in a binary body picture??

ok , it is indeed a new angle..ill along this way. thank you for your reply~ :)

2015-11-09 21:38:18 -0600 received badge  Scholar (source)
2015-11-09 10:39:43 -0600 commented question how to calculate the horizontal width of chest in a binary body picture??

@LBerger,thank you for reply,ill check it out..

2015-11-09 10:38:33 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2015-11-09 10:33:33 -0600 commented question how to calculate the horizontal width of chest in a binary body picture??

@berak, ok , thank you for point out my confusing description, ill fix it as you suggested. Thank you!

2015-11-09 10:07:30 -0600 received badge  Critic (source)
2015-11-09 09:40:52 -0600 commented answer how to calculate the horizontal width of chest in a binary body picture??

ok..thank you for this reply ..but it is not a simple calculate question... let me ask you that how do you know the right point is (200,100) ? scan the pixels ? and how could you know your scan stop point -- i.e. when you stop scanning ? that is the problem.

2015-11-08 22:34:52 -0600 asked a question how to calculate the horizontal width of chest in a binary body picture??

below is the source pic:

image description

below is my binary pic after processing on android platform:

image description

now i want the distance between the two red lines (red lines are added by my mspainter).

would anyone like to give me some tips ? that would be very thankful !

==================update at 2015-11-10 11:11 =========================

after eroded 5 times and dilated 5 times i got a better pic below , it costs some details (like armpit) ,but sort of could being accepted yet.

image description

==================final update at 2015-11-10 11:11======================

at last, i choose to scan pixels finally...

scan from top to the horizon red line at chest, they all have two "transfer points" (as the red squares in the pic) , and below chest red line(include chest line) there are 6 "transfer points"(as the blue ones). image description

    int count = 0;//counting the number of "transfer points"
    int[] data = new int[6];//storing the horizontal ordinate of each "transfer points"
    for (int i = 0; i < height; i += 5) {
        for (int j = 1; j < width; j++) {
            // val val2 ##########
            int val = (int) src.get(i, j - 1)[0];
            int val2 = (int) src.get(i, j)[0];
            if (val2 != val) {
                //find out the "transfer point",and count++
                data[count] = j;
                count += 1;
        if (count == 6) {
            //if count==6 ,
            // it means the line now being scanned is the chest line (or beyond the chest line)
            // otherwise it should be 2 "transfer point"  instead of 6
        } else {
            //re-count if less than 6 "transfer points"
            count = 0;
2015-11-08 21:03:09 -0600 received badge  Supporter (source)