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2013-03-05 23:25:32 -0600 asked a question Classification methods used in OpenCV

Hi there, I’m experiencing the Open CV face classification algorithms, one of the available methods for classification is createLBPHRecognizer(); But the background implementation of this method has not been mentioned in the document, Although the process of training and feature extraction has been mentioned in Open CV documents but the classification method has not been mentioned, by classification method I mean SVM or Adaboost and etc. is there any document or reference about the classification methods that have been used in Facerecognize classes? My second question is that is it possible to change the classification method used for one of the recongnizer classes as parameter? For example is it possible to use Naive Bayes classifier in LBPH recognizer? If yes, then how it is possible, I would be so much grateful if someone could send me some references and documents about those issues.