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2017-07-03 04:57:23 -0600 asked a question Increasing max disparity for cuda::stereoBM

The cuda::stereoBM is limited to max disparity of 256. Is it possible to increase it by editing the code, more so, will increasing it in the code work as it is an extension of the stereoBM function of opencv.

const int max_supported_ndisp = 1 << (sizeof(unsigned char) * 8);

This is the line which sets the max_disp in the cuda::stereoBM. So if I change it to 10 and increase max to 1024, will it work or will it not be supported? 1024 is divisible by 8 so it shouldn't give an error for disp value as well.

I require to increase the disp so as to get non spliced pointclouds. This is one way, the other approach would be to limit the image to a particular range. But I am not sure about where I can set that in the code.

Any insights would be very helpful! Thanks!

2017-07-03 04:51:07 -0600 commented question cuda::StereoBM parameters explanation

I am using that. But not all parameters mentioned in that are working. I just added the cases to increase pre filter cap, pre filter size etc. Didn't change anything in the image. I am not sure where to find documentation for what each parameter is and what it does.

2017-06-25 03:45:10 -0600 asked a question cuda::StereoBM parameters explanation

I am trying to use the cuda::StereoBM to perform GPU matching. But the documentation doesn't give information about what the parameters mean and which all parameters are available for cuda::StereoBM.
Any documentation which is available that resolves this? I want to modify the parameters to get better disparity maps but without documentation, I do not know which parameters to modify or which ones are available for cuda::StereoBM.

I coud only find this so far StereoBM and opencv