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2015-11-02 08:49:26 -0600 commented question Please help! error link calib3d300d.lib

Thanks a lot! It worked!

2015-11-02 07:39:11 -0600 asked a question Please help! error link calib3d300d.lib

Hello guys,

I'm new to OpenCV and I have a problem linking to OpenCV libs.

I already set my envirnoment variables (OPENCV_DIR C:\OpenCV\opencv\build\x64\vc12) and created my property sheets for Debug and Release (Additional Include Directories $(C/C++ OPENCV_DIR)....\include and Linker Additional Library Directories $(OPENCV_DIR)\lib and also added Linker>Input Additional Dependencies opencv_calib3d300d.lib;opencv_core300d;...;opencv_videostab300d.lib;).

So my problem is: When I want to run the standard test for OpenCV ( I always get the error message "LNK1104 Can not open file "opencv_calib3d300d.lib"".

I am using VS15 and OpenCV3.