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2017-04-03 02:26:19 -0600 asked a question Problem using contrib packages on iOS

I was able to successfully compile a .framework that included a package from contribs for iOS using

python opencv/platforms/ios/ --contrib opencv_contrib/ ios

The .framwork works for running OpenCV in iOS except for the package I tried to include. For some reason, even though the header for the contribs package is clearly in the .framework file and visible in Xcode none of the functions are accessible, e.g. trying to call one of those functions doesn't autocomplete and isn't recognized as valid. This is especially odd since the rest of OpenCV seems to work fine. Has anyone run into a problem like this?

Note: I used OpenCV 3.1 because there is currently a naming conflict when using newer versions on iOS. I don't think this would affect it because the regular OpenCV stuff works fine but I thought I'd mention it in case. Also, opencv_contrib contained only the one package I wanted.