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Der Luftmensch 2's profile - activity

2018-03-03 14:11:24 -0600 received badge  Teacher (source)
2015-12-16 15:38:43 -0600 received badge  Necromancer (source)
2015-10-27 09:45:24 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2015-10-24 10:41:46 -0600 commented question horrible calibration results

When I have to do a calibration it usually takes me quite a few tries before I get good results. So, to expect it to work every time might be an unreasonable expectation?

2015-10-24 10:37:16 -0600 commented question Performance comparison of horizontal & vertical flipping

Think about how the image is laid out in memory. A horizontal flip is a reordering of columns, which are scalar data (not contiguous in memory over rows), whereas vertical flipping is a reordering of the rows which are vectors (large chunks) of data. Operating on large chunks will be much faster. The horizontal flip may be vectorized, but it will have the additional step of a remapping or a permutation of the elements and so will be slower.

2015-10-13 18:24:06 -0600 received badge  Supporter (source)
2015-10-09 07:44:02 -0600 answered a question Keypoint Matching Outlier Rejection, Delaunay Triangulation

A different approach is to do inlier detection by finding a max clique. This is an NP-Complete problem, but there are fast approximations which appear to work well in practice.

This method is described in the following papers:

Real-Time Stereo Visual Odometry for Autonomous Ground Vehicles - Andrew Howard

Fast, Unconstrained Camera Motion Estimation from Stereo without Tracking and Robust Statistics - Heiko Hirschmu ̈ller, Peter R. Innocent and Jon M. Garibaldi