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2015-09-29 23:30:57 -0600 asked a question hi, i want to ask ntdll.dll eror in visual studio 2011. what should i do ?

"Unhandled exception at 0x00007FFA1067C4E0 (ntdll.dll) in ConsoleApplication13.exe: 0xC000007B: %hs is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error. Try installing the program again using the original installation media or contact your system administrator or the software vendor for support. Error status 0x."

here's my program. the program succeed but when i ran, it happens.

include <opencv2 imgproc="" imgproc.hpp="">

//#include <opencv2 highgui="" highgui.hpp="">

include "stdafx.h"

include <cv.h>

include <highgui.h>




include <opencv2 core="" core.hpp="">

include <opencv2 highgui="" highgui.hpp="">

include <opencv\cv.h>

//#include "stdafx.h"*/

include <iostream>

include <string>

using namespace cv;

using namespace std;

int threshold_value = 0; int threshold_type = 3; int const max_value = 255; int const max_type = 4; int const max_BINARY_value = 255;

double RotateCount=0; int whitetot;

char name[40]; int TotalPixel;

int match_method; int max_Trackbar = 5;

int gauss_ksize1 = 1; int gauss_ksize2 = 1; int const gauss_max_ksize1 = 11; int const gauss_max_ksize2 = 11;

int throwtempX; int throwtempY; float persentemp; float persenhigh; Point MatchLocTemp;

int i=0; int tempread=0; int gender; int degree;

float JumlahPixelBeda=0; float JumlahPixelSama=0; float persentase=0;

int filtervalue1 = 0; int filtervalue2 = 0; int filtervalue3 = 0; int filtervalue4 = 0; int maxvalue1=0; int maxvalue2=0; int maxvalue3=0; int maxvalue4=0;

/** Function Headers */

char* ThreshWindow = "Threshold"; char* CropWindow = "GrayScale"; char* GaussWindow = "Gaussian"; char* result_window = "Result window"; char* templ_image = "template";

Mat image, gray_image, binary, ThrowImage, CatchImage, ROI, gauss, throwtempl, templ, catchtempl, gausstempl, result, imagesource, matchresult, croptest, templcheck, sourceedge, templedge; Mat img_display, temprotate, tempscale;

Rect box; Point P1(0,0); Point P2(0,0);

bool ldown = true; bool lup = false;

char* trackbar_label = "Method: \n 0: SQDIFF \n 1: SQDIFF NORMED \n 2: TM CCORR \n 3: TM CCORR NORMED \n 4: TM COEFF \n 5: TM COEFF NORMED"; char* trackbar_type = "Type: \n 0: Binary \n 1: Binary Inverted \n 2: Truncate \n 3: To Zero \n 4: To Zero Inverted"; char* trackbar_value = "Value";

char* trackbar_ksize1 = "ksize 1"; char* trackbar_ksize2 = "ksize 2";

void Threshold( int, void* ); void Gauss(int, void); void MatchingMethod(int, void);

Mat rotate(Mat src, double angle) { Mat dst; Point2f pt(src.cols/2., src.rows/2.);
Mat r = getRotationMatrix2D(pt, angle, 1.0); warpAffine(src, dst, r, Size(src.cols, src.rows)); return dst; }

Mat scale(Mat src, double scale) { Mat dst; Point2f pt(src.cols/2., src.rows/2.);
Mat r = getRotationMatrix2D(pt, 0, scale); warpAffine(src, dst, r, Size(src.cols, src.rows)); return dst; }

int main() {

// Load Image
image =imread("C:/Users/Asus/Documents/Visual Studio 2012/Projects/ConsoleApplication13/sample/baby01.jpg");
imshow("Real Image",image);

// Konversi Image dengan Grayscale
cvtColor( image, gray_image, CV_BGR2GRAY );
imshow("Grayscale", gray_image);

// Konversi Histogram pada grayscale image dengan Histogram Equalization
imshow("Histogram Equalization",gray_image);

// Mempersiapkan variabel untuk digunakan pada Thresholding
ThrowImage = gray_image;
// Fungsi Thresholding

imagesource = CatchImage;
imagesource.copyTo( img_display );
matchresult = image;

MatchingMethod( 0, 0 );
if (gender==1)
    cout << "Laki-Laki";
    cout << "Perempuan";

cvDestroyWindow("Real Image");
return 0;


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