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2015-08-09 00:07:47 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2015-07-31 07:26:00 -0600 commented question Xcode6.3.2 __cplusplus notdefine

ok, but if I start a new iOS project from scratch all is working. I have this problem only with an existing project. If the environment doesn't find the cpp compiler how can I setup it?

Thanks and regards, Giordano

2015-07-31 04:34:22 -0600 answered a question Xcode6.3.2 __cplusplus notdefine

I had the same problem but I was not able to solve it. Did you solve it?

Thanks and regards, Giordano

2015-07-31 03:51:28 -0600 asked a question Problems run iOS

Dear all,

I am trying to include opencv in my iOS existing project. Before to do that I tried to install opencv in a new iOS project (I followed the tutorial) and all is working fine. Then I tried to install opencv in my existing iOS project following all the instructions. I copied opencv lib, I modified pch files adding the ifdef command, I imported the iOS frameworks, I changed my iOS file from .m to .mm but I always had the following errors:

error core.hpp header must be compiled as C++ error base.hpp header must be compiled as C++ base.hpp:52:10: 'climits' file not found

I am trying to solve this problem since several days but I didn't found any solution. Please, help me!!!

Thank you in advance, Giordano