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2015-07-16 12:09:43 -0600 commented answer How should I choose the shape of the structuring element for a morphological closing?

I can kind of see what you are saying. (although I think you're wrong about the square -- a square aligned with the x axis is like norm-inf, a square rotated 45 degrees and inscribed in the larger square is like norm-L1).

But in any case, what effects would this consideration of distance have on the image? And why might someone use another shape like a cross or a rectangle?

2015-07-15 23:15:21 -0600 asked a question How should I choose the shape of the structuring element for a morphological closing?

I am working on a Python script to identify objects in an image and place each on a transparent background.

My currently steps are

  1. Open image
  2. Apply bilateral filter to smooth textures
  3. Use Canny to find edges
  4. Apply a closing to fill gaps in the edges
  5. Find contours
  6. Use each contour to mask the image appropriately

Everything is working fairly well, but I had a question about the closing.

I am currently using a 5 by 5 square as the structuring element for closing. I am aware of the getStructuringElement method that allows for easy production of other shapes, but I don't understand why I would choose one shape over another. What shapes might I consider for my application, and why?