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2015-07-18 07:05:41 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2015-07-13 21:55:04 -0600 asked a question JavaCV cvMinAreaRect2

I’m trying to get min area rectangle from list of Points, but the rectangle I’m getting is not what I’m expecting. I’m using JavaCV 0.11.

Here is my java code:

ArrayList < Point > points = new ArrayList < > ();

CvMat cvMat = CvMat.create(imageWithPoints.width() * imageWithPoints.height() * 2, 1, CV_32FC2);
for (Point point: points) {
    int index = point.x() * imageWithPoints.width() + imageWithPoints.y();
    int offset = index * 2;
    cvMat.put(offset, point.x());
    cvMat.put(offset + 1, point.y());
CvBox2D minAreaRectanle = cvMinAreaRect2(cvMat);
CvPoint2D32f rectanglePoints= new CvPoint2D32f(4);
cvBoxPoints(minAreaRectanle, rectanglePoints);
drawing lines between rectanglePoints...

In images below white dots are points in List and min area rectangle is yellow.

image description

minAreaRectanle (center,size,angle)= ((199.9758, 297.95895), (387.48523, 604.0982), -1.1903903)

image description

minAreaRectanle (center,size,angle) = ((113.72618, 322.62048), (554.406, 400.87958), -73.54802)

For some reason top left corner of the rectangle is in the point 0,0 but in the list(points) is no Point 0,0 (all points are drawn in the images, I checked many times ). I think there is something wrong with my algorithm for creating cvMat... Can anyone give me suggestion to what am I doing wrong?