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2013-01-25 11:38:25 -0600 asked a question Minimal Python Build (OpenCV 2.4.3)


I'm using the Python bindings to call the function matchTemplate. This is the only function I need. In order to be able to call matchTemplate, I have to ship cv2.pyd with my (Windows) application, which weighs in at a hefty 9MB.

Is there any way of building (the Python bindings of) OpenCV in such a way that only the modules I require are included in cv2.pyd? matchTemplate seems to be a part of the imgproc module so I assume I'd only really need core and imgproc.

I already tried playing around with the CMake options, and I think I have managed to only have some modules built. However, as soon as I disable a single module, say calib3d by setting CMake's BUILD_OPENCV_calib3d to false, I also "lose" the Python build. In other words, when I use CMake to generate Visual Studio solution files for building all modules except calib3d and with python, the Visual Studio solution contains all modules but calib3d and python. I tried tinkering with the CMakeLists file of the python module by removing calib3d from the ocv_add_module call

ocv_add_module(python BINDINGS opencv_core opencv_flann ...)

and the setting of included headers


Unfortunately, to no avail. Does anybody know how to do this?

I'm building with Microsoft Visual Studio 2012.

Thanks, Michael