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2015-06-11 06:10:51 -0600 commented question Writing Mat to FileStorage: is there a way to format the output?

Thanks! I ended up doing this, but to an ofstream instead.

2015-06-10 23:49:46 -0600 commented question Writing Mat to FileStorage: is there a way to format the output?

I work with a lot of transform matrices, and I'd like to be able to quickly read them. Currently FileStorage puts newlines after a certain amount of characters, it seems like, but this makes it hard to see the rotation component, translation component, etc. I mean, I could just print it out to a file myself, but since I'm using FileStorage anyway,..

2015-06-10 10:04:06 -0600 asked a question Writing Mat to FileStorage: is there a way to format the output?

I'd like to be able to read the output of FileStorage more easily, so is there a way to change the format? Something like, e.g., newlines on rows, tabs on columns.