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2018-12-20 08:21:05 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2018-12-19 19:20:23 -0600 commented answer Install opencv 4.0 with eclipse on Windows- Error during Build

So MSMF is related to webcam functionality, Since i have turned off this now will this impact in future if i plan to use

2018-12-19 09:53:43 -0600 commented question Install opencv 4.0 with eclipse on Windows- Error during Build

Yeah thanks for your help. Its working now! I am able to use the OPENCV4.0 successfully. But, by turning off the MSMF wi

2018-12-16 08:10:11 -0600 commented question Install opencv 4.0 with eclipse on Windows- Error during Build

I have pasted the error in the QUESTION now. gcc version i am using is 7.2.0 i have set PRECOMPILE HEADERS to off in CM

2018-12-16 08:06:27 -0600 edited question Install opencv 4.0 with eclipse on Windows- Error during Build

Install opencv 4.0 with eclipse on Windows- Error during Build Hello All, I have installed opencv4.0 on windows. I am

2018-12-15 20:10:08 -0600 commented question Install opencv 4.0 with eclipse on Windows- Error during Build

Thanks for the response. How to attach the file in the forum? Anyways i am copying the last few line of errors manually.

2018-12-15 20:00:03 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2018-12-15 20:00:03 -0600 edited question Install opencv 4.0 with eclipse on Windows- Error during Build

Install opencv 4.0 with eclipse on Windows Hello All, I have installed opencv4.0 on windows. I am compiling OPENCV usi

2018-12-14 20:21:47 -0600 asked a question Install opencv 4.0 with eclipse on Windows- Error during Build

Install opencv 4.0 with eclipse on Windows Hello All, I have installed opencv4.0 on windows. I am compiling OPENCV usi

2018-04-06 08:39:55 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2018-02-16 02:58:33 -0600 commented question videocapture is not working in opencv 3.4.0

Eclipse Oxygen

2018-02-15 08:22:11 -0600 commented question videocapture is not working in opencv 3.4.0

Can anyone help me in resolving the issue?

2018-02-15 01:16:57 -0600 commented question videocapture is not working in opencv 3.4.0

I tried restarting my system too, videocapture is still not working :(

2018-02-14 10:43:48 -0600 commented question videocapture is not working in opencv 3.4.0

Yes i checked it again, it's added in the PATH variable. It is 64 bit. Can you confirm the ffmpeg lib path (D:\Personal\

2018-02-14 10:25:40 -0600 commented question videocapture is not working in opencv 3.4.0

I added this into my system PATH variable. No Progress, still videocapture cap() is returning false and printing "cannot

2018-02-14 10:12:20 -0600 commented question videocapture is not working in opencv 3.4.0

I found this lib in the path (D:\Personal\opencv_3.4\opencv\build\bin\opencv_ffmpeg340.dll) Shall i add this lib from th

2018-02-14 09:56:02 -0600 answered a question OpenCV IDE for developemnt

After lot of research, I found Eclipse is best IDE to use it for OpenCV C++. The advantages i found was: 1. Adding Plug

2018-02-14 09:48:24 -0600 asked a question videocapture is not working in opencv 3.4.0

videocapture is not working in opencv 3.4.0 I have an .mp4 video saved in the path (D:\Personal\workspace\FirstVideo.mp4

2016-11-03 10:16:13 -0600 commented answer OpenCV IDE for developemnt

Can you send me an link for installing the free version of Visual studio.

2016-11-03 10:13:16 -0600 commented question OpenCV configuration in Windows using Eclipse

Hi, Thanks for the reply. Can you share some links to build opencv libs using cmake. After building opencv libs using cmake, what is the next step to proceed.

2016-11-03 10:08:12 -0600 commented answer OpenCV IDE for developemnt

Hi, can you send me an link for configuring the opencv using QTcreator.

2016-11-03 09:47:14 -0600 asked a question OpenCV configuration in Windows using Eclipse

Hi All,

I am very new to this and i need to run an example code in the eclipse IDE. Can you help in achieving this or can anyone share if there is any document to refer? Actually i referred to the link provided in the (PLEASE REFER TO THE INSTALLATION DOCUMENTATION) But this link dint help me in achieving to run the sample code.


BR, Naveen.

2015-06-11 05:00:25 -0600 commented answer OpenCV IDE for developemnt

Thanks for the comment

2015-06-11 05:00:25 -0600 commented answer OpenCV IDE for developemnt

Thanks a lot :)

2015-06-09 07:02:27 -0600 asked a question OpenCV IDE for developemnt

Hi Can anybody let me know which IDE is suitable for the development of Opencv. I am confused which IDE (Visual studio or Eclipse)to be used for starting with Opencv. I am working on Windows Environment.