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2016-02-03 08:41:45 -0600 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2014-10-25 10:14:31 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2013-02-06 10:04:18 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2013-02-05 11:40:34 -0600 commented question UVC Camera and OpenCV 2.4.3 for Android 4.2

Hey adnanhk , It would be great help if you can suggest me how you were able to make external UVC external camera working with Android phone. I have been trying hard to make it working , I did enable v4l driver in kernel and verify it loads v4l driver in logs and also added /dev/video0 0666 root system in resource configuration but all the time when i run application i get /dev/video0 device or resource busy. I followed same link you described below can please help and provide your code snippet ?.

I used same source but did not work for me


2013-02-04 14:19:43 -0600 commented answer Gaussian blur and adaptive threshold issue on greyscale mat

Please confirm if all above steps are correct way of getting binary image because my ultimate goal is to detect blob from frame. Is there any functionality in OpenCV that has Infra red module capability or do i need to make camera externally as IR camera ?.

2013-02-04 14:15:57 -0600 commented answer Gaussian blur and adaptive threshold issue on greyscale mat

Hey Alexander , Thanks for your reply , Now what i am doing are as follow 1) I get GreyScale as InputFrame
2) I created Gaussian Mat mGaussianMat.create(inputFrame.size(), inputFrame.type());
Imgproc.GaussianBlur(inputFrame, mGaussianMat, new Size(7,7), 1.5,1.5); 3) Then i apply adaptive threshold mThresHoldMat.create(mGaussianMat.size(), mGaussianMat.type()); Imgproc.adaptiveThreshold(mGaussianMat, mThresHoldMat, 255, Imgproc.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C, Imgproc.THRESH_BINARY,11, 2);
4) Then invert image
Core.bitwise_not(mThresHoldMat, mThresHoldMat); 5) then apply morphology filter Mat kernel = Imgproc.getStructuringElement(Imgproc.MORPH_DILATE, new Size(3,3), new Point(1,1)); Imgproc.dilate(mThresHoldMat, mThresHoldMat, kernel); 6) Finally,display it on screen now working!

2013-02-04 11:52:26 -0600 asked a question Gaussian blur and adaptive threshold issue on greyscale mat

I am trying to convert inputframe received in onCameraFrame into greyscale so that i can apply gaussianblur and adaptivethreshold. But moment i create gaussian mat and apply blur it sort of hang does not display any kind of real frame.

mGrayMat = new Mat(height, width, CvType.CV_8UC1);
// Where as inputFrame received from onCameraFrame 
mGaussianMat.create(mGrayMat.size(), mGrayMat.type());
Imgproc.GaussianBlur(mGrayMat, mGaussianMat, new Size(7,7), 0.0);

Not sure is this a right way of doing it ??

2013-01-31 22:37:18 -0600 commented question problem using cvBlobsLib with Android

Hey Can you tell me which binary or archive you download for cvBlobLibs and how u made it shared library for Android? Thanks

2013-01-31 00:56:43 -0600 asked a question OpenCV Image blob detection and Gesture support on Android

Hi, I am curious to know does native implementation of openCV supports image blob detection on Android. Does it also provides filtering image mechanism ? like explained here :

I have seen OpenCV cvConvexityDefects() for hands gesture recognition , It is also available in native android ? can i implement hands recognition using andorid openCV?

Any place for documentation


2013-01-23 13:39:49 -0600 commented answer How to Capture Camera frames with hidden/Dummy Surfaceview in Android

Thanks that is what i read yesterday and looking now !

2013-01-22 18:20:28 -0600 asked a question How to Capture Camera frames with hidden/Dummy Surfaceview in Android

Is there way i can create own NativeCameraView in Android Background Service and add this view to WindowManager in order to capture camera frames in Background. In Android we can create dummy SurfaceView and then adding it to WindowManager can create surface which in turn start video capture or camera preview but onPreviewFrame never gets called therefore i am wondering can we do similar thing using OpenCV since it has callback onCameraFrame.??

Any suggestion Appreciated