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2015-06-02 15:09:59 -0600 commented question Can anyone confirm the range of various color spaces such as LAB, LUV and YUV in OpenCV ?

Thanks for your comment.

Still need some clarification regarding YUV range. It is mentioned in the OpenCV documnetation as Y, Cr, and Cb cover the whole value range.

If so, is it 0-255 for Y,U and V component?


2015-06-02 09:23:59 -0600 asked a question Can anyone confirm the range of various color spaces such as LAB, LUV and YUV in OpenCV ?

I am just struggling to find the range of various color spaces I am trying to use in my program in OpenCV. I am sure that HSV range from 0-180 for H, 0-255 for S, 0-255 for V and RGB range from 0-255, 0-255, 0-255 for R,G and B. Please anyone can confirm the range of LAB, LUV and YUV?