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2013-09-17 01:38:56 -0600 commented question Ensuring compatibility across Android devices

And on the iOS App Store

2013-03-21 01:20:12 -0600 commented question Ensuring compatibility across Android devices

Check out the app on Google Play

2013-01-11 14:10:56 -0600 commented question Ensuring compatibility across Android devices

The app isn't on Google Play yet; I'll update here as soon as I have a version I can share.

2013-01-10 13:26:41 -0600 received badge  Nice Question (source)
2013-01-10 13:08:33 -0600 received badge  Scholar (source)
2013-01-10 12:36:44 -0600 commented answer Ensuring compatibility across Android devices
  1. Okay.
  2. Great! I had the false impression that the OpenCV Java API was merely a wrapper for Native functions, so it would use cv::VideoCapture anyway. It seems the OpenCV Java API does indeed use the Android Camera API in
  3. Thanks for the tips.
  4. I've updated the question to reflect needing only OpenCV Manager. However, any additional download - even just one - will be confusing for many of our users. If we use static initialization and the Java Camera API, will we have significant compatibility issues, or will only performance suffer?
2013-01-09 16:33:31 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2013-01-09 16:33:14 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2013-01-09 16:32:06 -0600 asked a question Ensuring compatibility across Android devices

We have a consumer-targeted Android app for which OpenCV support is critical. We need it to work on as many devices as possible. We've been unable to capture images on about 40% of the devices we've tried, apparently due to cv::VideoCapture's use of vendor-specific APIs.


  1. Is this (~40%) failure rate in line with what others have seen?
    • Devices that fail: Motorola Droid/X/RAZR, HTC Evo 4G, and (sometimes) Samsung Galaxy S III
  2. What can we do to maximize compatibility across consumer devices?
    • For example, can we capture images using the Android Camera API, convert them to OpenCV-style images, and supply them to our OpenCV processing code, thereby avoiding cv::VideoCapture altogether?
  3. How can we identify devices that will or won't work?
    • Is there a list of Android devices and their support of OpenCV available somewhere?
    • Does the OpenCV team have access to a variety of test devices?

More info:

  • We use static initialization of the OpenCV libraries. Our app is intended for consumers (teachers, specifically), and expecting them to download an additional item from Google Play (OpenCV Manager) is a no-go.
  • For now, we do all image capture and processing operations in native code.
2013-01-09 15:18:31 -0600 received badge  Supporter (source)