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bharathmthekkedath's profile - activity

2019-05-01 04:06:08 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2018-10-20 02:17:27 -0600 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2017-03-28 10:45:02 -0600 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2016-09-19 02:46:52 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2015-05-04 17:33:01 -0600 answered a question Is there support for ARM- V8 for OpenCV

Is there a support for OpenCV Manager for 64 bit version???


2015-05-01 15:28:58 -0600 asked a question Is there support for ARM- V8 for OpenCV


I am observign that my app runs well in Nexus 7 which is a ARM - V7 instruction set hardware.

When I try to run on a 64 bit version (ARM-V8) I see that OpenCV Manager doesnot detect the hardware.

Is there a way to resolve this related issue??

Thanks Bharath

2015-05-01 03:18:05 -0600 answered a question OpenCV Manager Failed to detect Hardware in Galaxy S5


Were you able to resolve this issue??


2015-05-01 03:04:17 -0600 asked a question OpenCV Library package was not found! Try to install it? (Button : Yes/No)

Seeing that when i run my opencv app in device seeing error :

OpenCV Library package was not found! Try to install it? (Button : Yes/No)

Please is there any workaround for this??

Thanks Bharath

2015-04-06 18:23:34 -0600 answered a question OpenCV Manager throwing error in the android phone

The error I am seeing is that there is no library for the OpenCV. But I have installed the OpenCV Manager in the device.

Thanks Bharath

2015-03-28 02:30:27 -0600 asked a question OpenCV Manager throwing error in the android phone


I have an android apk which uses the OpenCV library. I have compiled it and pushed onto a 32bit Processor android Phone and it works fine. I am seeing an error thrown on the same code on a 64 bit processor and the OpenCV Manager is unable to detect the hardware details too.

Is this due to some incompatibility of the OS and the processor??/

Thanks Bharath