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2015-03-18 20:07:14 -0600 commented question opencv_contrib goes wrong with cmake gui

hello,may i ask another question?how to add it to my main opencv repo?

2015-03-18 19:30:25 -0600 commented question unknown cmake command "ocv_define_module"

so,how can i realize the 'normal opencv repro'?thank you a lot

2015-03-18 07:09:14 -0600 commented question opencv_contrib goes wrong with cmake gui

I really don't want to bother you, but i have no idea about this problem,I typed OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH into the search box of cmake,and then clicked configure button,but the same error appeared again,not any other changes.

2015-03-18 06:42:13 -0600 commented question opencv_contrib goes wrong with cmake gui

thank you for your comments. i only know use the cmake gui to do the things,so,how about "add it to your main opencv repro"?i'm a new hand. Thanks again.

2015-03-18 06:09:13 -0600 asked a question opencv_contrib goes wrong with cmake gui

hello,everyone! As you know,nonfree cann't be found in opencv 3.0,so someone tells me to use opencv_contrib.But,there are some errors in cmake.There are they.

"select the opencv source code folder and the folder where binaries will be built (the 2 upper forms of the interface)"

At the step2,when i set the content as that,the error is as the picture. image description

I found ,in this file,there is not a CMakeLists.txt.And then i changed the content,here is the new error. image description

I'm really stuck in it,can i get your help? Thanks in advance!