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2015-03-14 10:24:15 -0600 commented question Problems with .webp files

Thanks @berak, WEBP isn't even specified. I've installed version 2.4.11 from installer since I didn't want to compile it myself. Where can I find a version that would support WEBP? How do I configure the installer?

2015-03-14 08:47:51 -0600 asked a question Problems with .webp files

I am struggling to work with webp files - everything works fine with .png or .jpg. Did anybody else have the same issues?


image = cv2.imread(imagePath) # Always returned NoneType so I replaced it with  # Returns 'No such file or directory:' where actually the file exists + python opens it if I use open

Any advice? Any examples to working with webp files?
