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2015-03-08 12:58:58 -0600 commented question how to add data to a frame

My AVI file is not a collection of following pictures, because I get only picture corresponding to movement detection. So I want to add the specific time stamp of each picture. I do that in jpeg file, and I want to do that in AVI file.

2015-03-07 15:14:41 -0600 asked a question how to add data to a frame

I get image from camera: CvCapture* input = cvCaptureFromCAM(0); CvVideoWriter writer = createVideoStream( "film.avi"; ...); IplImage colourImage = cvQueryFrame(input); // Here, I will add data (for exemple text) associated to the image cvWriteFrame( writer, colourImage );

Is there a way to add information into the AVI file linked to the frame

Best regards