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2018-02-05 15:05:56 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2015-06-14 15:30:37 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2015-03-10 09:46:44 -0600 commented question Convert equirectangular spherical image to cube faces

Any help would be really appreciated.

2015-03-10 09:44:55 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2015-03-06 09:09:02 -0600 commented question Convert equirectangular spherical image to cube faces

The spherical image is stitched by using images I took, so yes, I have the original images, but they are 60 images merged together, so it would be easier to use directly the stitched image which is a flat image 360x180 image like the one in: I agree that I have to convert the spherical image, this is why I am asking if there are OpenCV functions to do that.

2015-03-05 15:38:16 -0600 asked a question Convert equirectangular spherical image to cube faces


I would like to convert a spherical/equirectangular panoramic image into a cubical panoramic image - six images (tiles), one image per cube side.

Are there functions of OpenCV 2.4.x. to achieve this?


2015-03-05 10:03:31 -0600 asked a question Convert equirectangular (spherical) image to cube faces (tiles)


As the title suggests, I would like to convert spherical and cylindrical images to cubical images.

The spherical/equirectangular image has format 360x180 and I would like to convert it to cubical images with six image files (one image per cube side).

Does anyone know how to achieve this with with OpenCV 2.4.x.?
