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2015-02-23 02:00:01 -0600 asked a question Can desktop Java provide more than 16 FPS?

I'm testing USB camera Logitech WebCam500 over Java API, Windows 7 x64, 4 core processor at 3 GHz. Measured frame per second rate is 12-16, no more. Resolution 320x240, 640x480 or 1280x1024, no real difference by this parameter. Reading of frames goes in infinite cycle, with no real delay, by calling CamController.capture() there. Profiler shows almost all the time is spent in Windows TaskManager indicates pretty low 1-3-5-9% total load. Peaks of 9% were noticed only for 1280x1024. I went to conclusion that read(Mat) simply stands in Object.wait(timeout) to provide "stable" max FPS=16. Is that true? Is there any way to unleash FPS? Some guys here report they achieve 30 FPS. It could be fine for me, but I have no idea how to reach it.

OpenCV v.2.4.10.

Below is excerpt from the code:

public CamController( int id )
    videocapture = new VideoCapture( 0 );
    matCam = new Mat();
public byte[] capture()
    if( matCam ) )
        matCam.get( 0, 0, out ); 
        return out;
    return null;