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2015-02-08 13:52:23 -0600 asked a question How to solve compile error OpenCV 2.4.10 with MinGW and Visual Studio (11) 2012

I'm one of the many having troubles with compiling OpenCV...

  1. This is what works fine: I can successfully compile the basic OpenCV, using the following guideline ( I'm using newer versions of the tools, but that doesn't seem an issue:

    • OpenCV 2.4.10
    • Cmake 3.1.1 [Visual Studio 11 2012 express compiler], which works with both BUILD_SHARED_LIBS enabled or disabled. I disable ENABLE_SOLUTION_FOLDERS as recommended by the guideline.
    • Visual Studio (11) 2012 for making a 'release' build of ALL_BUILD and INSTALL
  2. This doesn't work: When I redo the above procedure, and simply add OpenNI (WITH_OPENNI) to the Cmake configuration, then I get the following error when compiling ALL_BUILD on the file "XnPlatform.h" on line 58 (project: opencv_highgui):

    Error C1189: #error : Xiron Platform Abstraction Layer - Win32 - Microsoft Visual Studio versions above 2010 (10.0) are not supported!

    There seems to be an incompatibility between OpenNI and Visual Studio Exptress newer than 2010 ?

  3. This doesn't work either: In an attempt to get around the above error, I installed Visual Studio 2010, but then I already get an error in CMake... :(

  4. This doesn't work either: (MinGW 3.82.90 attempt) CMake goes well (with MinGW selected as compiler). Then I do "mingw32-make" on the command line, which seems to go fine. Also "mingw32-make install" seems to go fine. Unfortunately, when I run my test-program, it gives an error on the line "import cv2":

    ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified procedure could not be found.

    I added the following to my Path environment value: C:\opencv\build\install\x86\mingw\bin\ ...which is where the dll's were placed by the compilation.

So, now I'm running short on idea's. ...If anyone would have any idea about what could be going wrong ?