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2020-10-04 09:05:16 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2019-05-12 07:24:07 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2019-05-11 07:06:24 -0600 commented answer Converting RGB into LMS model using C++ and OpenCV

Converting matrices are correct. This is a LINEAR transform so is reversible. In my opinion problems arises because here

2014-12-29 11:43:46 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2014-12-28 16:47:09 -0600 asked a question With VS2008 i have found trouble to compile version > 2.3.0

Following the tutorial i have build libraries from sources until beta 3.0.0 without errors. VS2008 'should' be correctly configured, but versions > 2.3.0 give me problems at linking time in any test i try. Before trying to solve this problem by myself i should be sure that problem is solvable with my hw/sw resources [or that is not a compiler limit? or OS limit (i use XP) or Guido's limit ;-) ] Tanks in advance and sorry for my real poor english!

I resolved the problem! It was a Guido's limit :-( I must exclude from linking some VC libraries according to configuration generate by CMake for building sample and tutorial executables from OpenCV source distribution. Thank you FooBar for push me to look with more attention at linker diagnostic output. Happy New Year to all from Italy !!!