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2014-11-27 02:05:42 -0600 asked a question Face Analysis SDK

I have downloaded the face analysis SDK from I have some problems with the setup of the SDK and would be glad if there is someone who is familiar with this SDK. Does anybody have any experience with this SDK? I really could use some help.

Some details:

I am using Windows 8.1, I followed the instructions given at the homepage. I unzipped the source code, I created a build folder, I ran CMake and I hope that CMake has successfully configured the project. My build folder contains the following folders and files.

image description

Then the instructions state: "When CMake has successfully configured the project, issue make. ". I have no makefile that could be build by make or nmake or whatever. So I figured that I may have to complete the build by using Visual Studio 2013 and the CSIRO-FaceAnalysis-SDK.sln. But when I try to build the project I receive a lot of errors. That is where I am stuck right now, I do not know how to proceed at this point.

Any ideas? I would be really glad if someone could help me.

Thanks, B

2014-11-27 02:04:37 -0600 asked a question Face Analysis SDK

I have downloaded the face analysis SDK from I have some problems with the setup of the SDK and would be glad if there is someone who is familiar with this SDK. Does anybody have any experience with this SDK? I really could use some help.

Some details:

I am using Windows 8.1, I followed the instructions given at the homepage. I unzipped the source code, I created a build folder, I ran CMake and I hope that CMake has successfully configured the project. My build folder contains the following folders and files.

image description

Then the instructions state: "When CMake has successfully configured the project, issue make. ". I have no makefile that could be build by make or nmake or whatever. So I figured that I may have to complete the build by using Visual Studio 2013 and the CSIRO-FaceAnalysis-SDK.sln. But when I try to build the project I receive a lot of errors. That is where I am stuck right now, I do not know how to proceed at this point.

Any ideas? I would be really glad if someone could help me.

Thanks, B

2014-11-23 15:07:19 -0600 asked a question Stop opencv_haartraining


I am currently training a haarcascade. The training takes quite a long time. I have read that it is possible to manually stop the training and continue later on. But I have no plan how to stop the training manually from the command line. Please help me.

Thanks, B

2014-11-23 15:03:35 -0600 asked a question Error using haarcascade_profileface.xml


I am trying to write a program that detects faces. I am currently using haarcascades to detect faces (haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml), this works fine if I am only trying to find frontal faces. But I also need to find faces in profil (just one eye visible). This is the reason why I wanted to try haarcascade_profileface.xml. I am programming in C#.

Every time I try to debug the code I receive an error message:

Error of type "Emgu.CV.Util.CvException" has occurred in Emgu.CV.dll OpenCV: The node does not represent a user object (unknown type?) Can you help me?

Thanks, B