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2014-11-14 11:19:13 -0600 asked a question Android Camera using opencv

My aim is to create an app that reads a frame from camera and saves the photo to file. I looked at OpenCV tutorials. The app only did showing a small size 540x960 picture on JavaCameraView. However I want to save the full 8Megapixel photo.

Any class that allows this in OpenCV?

2014-11-13 09:28:37 -0600 commented answer openCV library no found
  1. Click on OpenCV Library - 2.4.9
  2. Project>Properties>Android and select checkbox for Project Build Target as latest API (11 or more)
    Its funny because, I set the API for my own project instead and hence was never removing the error.
2014-11-13 09:26:53 -0600 received badge  Supporter (source)