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2013-10-25 10:11:37 -0600 commented question VideoWriter VideoCapture and uncompressed AVI

rbiro, the link you posted seems to report a different issue. I having the same problem as reported here, when I try to read an uncompressed AVI (DIB ) fourCC. I don't see the crash reported in the previous link. They claim they just fixed the issue by updating ffmpeg to the latest version, but I don't see why. From my initial debugging, this has nothing to do with FFMpeg and the bug seems to be in cap_vfw.cpp. I don't see how updating ffmpeg can fix the issue as I see the bug when using the Windows API code path. Do you agree? Thanks.

2012-12-03 18:43:28 -0600 asked a question Possible bug in CvCapture_FFMPEG::grabFrame


I am using OpenCV to read AVI files. I am running into a problem where the images are retrieved properly in release mode, but are not in debug mode, where they are entirely pink. In addition, I get crashes if the image size of the AVI is bigger than 640x480 (say 800x600 or bigger). When I debugged the code, it seems that the problem comes from the last call to av_free_packet in the function CvCapture_FFMPEG::grabFrame (line 500 in cap_ffmpeg_impl.hpp), which frees up the data associated with an image (data that is still referenced by picture->data). Can someone confirm the bug that I found? I would like to make sure before reporting it.
