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2017-05-21 10:51:03 -0600 asked a question Normal projects can not to work suddenly

Hello: I have a issue about my project. I use the OpenCV library (OpenCV 2.4.13) to working on in the Visual studio 2015. (System is Windows 10 64bits) Last 2 weeks ago(May 12th ago), my project it still can work. But this week(May 14th after), my all project all can not to work. I didn't change any function, variable or setting. When I came back front my PC, it was been restart. Then all the project can not to work. All the projects will crash in the library. (For example: matrix.cpp, vector.cpp)

This follows are the methods that I try to solve the problem.

1.Copy the project to another PC to try. -> I copy my project in 7 different PC to try, it can not to work. can not to work.

2.Use different version of Windows system. -> I try to used the Windows10 1607, Windows10 1703, Windows8, Windows8.1, Windows7. It can not to work. can not to work.

3.Use the different iersion of visual studio. -> I try it in 2015 and 2017, same. can not to work.

4.Use the different version of OpenCV -> I try to used the OpenCV2.4.13, OpenCV2.4.13-vc14, OpenCV3.2vc-14. can not to work.

5.Creative a new project -> can not to work.

6.Recompile -> can not to work.

Then I get some strange problem. 1.In the correct path, it always give me a "Error path" For example: "C:\Users\user\Desktop\Train Data\NegPath.xml" The feedback says I have a error path.

2.Incorrect decoding In the easy code about VideoCapture. I set a video window is call "test". But I will get the different windows name when I run. It should have 1 windows, but It will become many windows when I run. image description image description

3.Mode different. All the test I work in debug mode, but it can not to work. If I work in the release mode. The almost time, it can work and no any error. But if I used in release mode in the big project. It will crash too.