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saamishon's profile - activity

2017-07-15 01:55:29 -0600 received badge  Taxonomist
2015-01-13 07:05:38 -0600 received badge  Scholar (source)
2015-01-07 21:36:06 -0600 asked a question OpenGLES support while building

I'm using Ubuntu running on ARM architecture(ODROID XU3). They say the platform supports only OpenGLES and not the generic OpenGL. How do i enable it while building the OpenCV libraries? Thanks in advance.

2014-11-07 07:02:02 -0600 commented question disabling TBB for Openmp enabling?

i did this. instead of OFF i did not include the statement itself. is that wrong?

2014-11-07 05:31:39 -0600 asked a question disabling TBB for Openmp enabling?

i need real time face detection using all the 8 cores. Its ODROID XU3 and running lubuntu. someone guide me please. i'm new to opencv.

2014-11-06 09:47:02 -0600 commented question opencv compilation in ubuntu with opencl.

my aim is to use all the cores in the CPU.

2014-11-06 09:46:00 -0600 commented question opencv compilation in ubuntu with opencl.

how do i run the facedetect.cpp in the ocl directory? if i use gcc it is showing errors. i'm a beginner in linux. please help.

2014-11-06 08:46:26 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2014-11-06 08:45:51 -0600 asked a question opencv compilation in ubuntu with opencl.

i have given


even after this, i'm getting 2 frames/sec in the facedetection from the samples/c folder.

2014-11-03 20:47:43 -0600 commented question low frames/sec in odroid xu3.

In general how do i enable openmp for the whole opencv?? No option like that?

2014-11-01 22:57:17 -0600 asked a question low frames/sec in odroid xu3. in python2 in the samples folder gives ~ 25 frames/sec in my lappy having core i5. but in xu3 only 2 frames/sec :(

so i googled and found that OpenMP is the best option to boost performance using all the cores.

the odroid xu3 has 8 cores. 4 cores : 2 GHz remaining 4 : 1.4 GHz

I followed these steps when installing in my lappy.

and for opencv with openmp i referred

No improvement at all.

I'm a beginner in linux. Suggestions please.

2014-10-31 21:29:49 -0600 answered a question OpenCV 3: make failed on ubuntu

Try the stable 2.4.9 version. 3.0 is still in the alpha version.

Try this :)

2014-10-26 09:48:36 -0600 commented answer Frames/sec improvement in face detection.

Thank you. I'll try.

2014-10-26 08:46:52 -0600 asked a question Frames/sec improvement in face detection.

Running the default face detection in the samples folder.

In my lappy(CORE i5 - 3.1GHz) running ubuntu 14.04 : 20-25 frames/sec

In ODROID XU3 : Only 2 frames/sec :(

Do i need to configure something?

2014-10-09 03:49:27 -0600 commented question One single webcam. I have to feed the data for 2 different face detecting algorithms simultaneously. Help please.

Wow :) thank you so much. I'm just a beginner. This is perfect.

2014-10-09 03:16:11 -0600 asked a question One single webcam. I have to feed the data for 2 different face detecting algorithms simultaneously. Help please.

One single webcam. I have to feed the data for 2 different face detecting algorithms simultaneously. Help please.