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2014-10-14 12:11:54 -0600 answered a question Color constancy in different illumination condition

just i have a Q why did you close my Question whoever their is a similar one .. and it is relevant to openCV .. why not ? and it is not closed .. but it was not useful for me .. i don't know how to contact you .. so i'm sorry to put this one here .

2014-10-14 11:10:31 -0600 asked a question Parallel or Serial Port Interfacing with C++ openCV

Hi , if i have a vector of 4 different variables Say m1,m2,m3,m4 which their values will be (1 or 0) and i want to pass them to Parallel or Serial port connected with motors that will be active depending on output value (1 or 0) How to pass those values to Parallel or Serial Port Interface ?? (i Prefer to use Parallel port but no problem to use Serial )

2014-10-14 09:50:35 -0600 commented answer most frequently occurring value in 2D matrix

yes i know that max_element points to the largest value not with the most .. i have a vector with counters points to different values .. then i was trying to find the max counter value that will let me know most frequently value .. this the idea that i was trying to apply it .

2014-10-14 09:44:58 -0600 commented answer load nearby pixels using mouse

But now i have a problem with image Edges .. if the mouse on a pixel near one of image edges or corners i have an exception because the range of col & rows .. could you plz help me how to solve this problem ?

2014-10-11 21:20:39 -0600 asked a question most frequently occurring value in 2D matrix

Hi , I want to find the most frequently occurring value in a 2D matrix. i was trying to use std::max_element but it didn't work because it is only works with a one dimension vector .. could anybody help me please ?

2014-10-11 15:22:07 -0600 received badge  Scholar (source)
2014-10-11 15:22:02 -0600 commented answer load nearby pixels using mouse

Thank you very much .. your answer was very helpful for me :)

2014-10-10 14:59:54 -0600 asked a question load nearby pixels using mouse

Suppose i have an image and i am at a particular pixel with my mouse [say 0] and i want to take N*N of pixels around it like this:

'0' 1 2
3 4 5
6 7 8

I am trying to cycle through all pixels and am attempting to access 0,1,2, 3,5 6,7,8 and i want to store their values on new array
and if i move with my mouse to a new pixel for example pixel [1] the block will be :

'1' 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

and so on

and again i will store the new pixel and it's nearby pixels on the array .. could any one Plz help me how to do this with C++ openCV..

2014-09-15 05:20:40 -0600 asked a question ROI Color Detection / Recognition

Hi , I'm a new one With OpenCV .. I'm working in a project that requires identify what color a ROI is .. for example if i drag and drop any part of the image it will be my ROI "i have done this part of my code" Then i need to Recognize the color of this cropped part is it Red , green , blue .. etc based on Dominant color on it .. *NOTE :: i'm not working on object tracking just i want to recognize My ROI color . Could any one help me plz ?? Thanks in Advance*

2014-09-14 18:30:12 -0600 commented question Detect ROI color

no i'm not tracking a colored region i want to select any part of my image with mouse by drag and drop AS ROI 'i have done this part of my code ' .. then i want to detect the color of this segmented Part by calculating Dominant color on it .. i hope you understand my Q .. Sorry for poor language .. i'm not fluent

2014-09-14 18:04:26 -0600 commented question Detect ROI color

I think it's OK now .. i edit the post by replacing title with content sorry for confusing you ...

2014-09-14 17:58:11 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2014-09-14 17:49:40 -0600 commented question Detect ROI color

oh i'm sorry .. i wrote "RIO" instead of "ROI" by mistake i'm looking for something that tell me the Predominant color in ROI .. for example if the there is 200 red pixel and 20 green pixel this ROI Will be considered as Red

2014-09-14 17:37:51 -0600 asked a question Hi , i'm a beginner with openCV and i want any one to help me HOW to detect ROI color of colored image using Histogram or any other way

Detect ROI color

2014-09-14 17:15:05 -0600 asked a question Detect ROI color

Hi , i'm a beginner with openCV and i want any one to help me HOW to detect ROI color of colored image using Histogram or any other way