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2014-09-11 13:25:36 -0600 commented answer Problems in running openCV in visual studio 2010

If it is possible to build one big OpenCV library including everything, the step to add all the library names in the dependency option will be much simpler.

Do you happen to try that thing? If so, please share your experience.

2014-09-10 16:05:12 -0600 asked a question How to generate a concatenated static lib in Visual Studio?

I built all static libraries using Visual Studio. Now I want to run

lib.exe /out:opencv.lib open*.lib

to get one big library, then I do not need to copy all small libs around.

In CMake scripts, how can I add that command line at the end of post-build event of INSTALL target? I have tried to use add_custom_commands() but that did not work out for me.