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2016-01-12 01:17:40 -0600 received badge  Taxonomist
2014-09-06 01:00:29 -0600 asked a question That she was busy all weekend

That she was busy all weekend and then of rare night so yet this point she's pretty much and she's lost interest in you so you literally talk Herbal Cleanse Plus this girl whiteouts hanging I am fine how can I meet you he says I send my worst text ever joking about her being a social butterfly and maybe is maybe should lot an eightday next week weekend in any point in price he’s chasing pushy was he behaviors like yeah Nazi psycho stalker Monaco ninety China force her you trying to force herself in her life where's but when she first started out she was happy to open up for scheduling be available to you anytime now you're like trying to force her to commit to you a week in advance because you fearLeuzinger and you pretty much already lost this point he says I've got no reply for two week she says I'm annoyed I lost my cool but my thought process was why did the same thing actually just ask for now well you don't follow the fundamentals youths girl was totally nun totally fucked up buyer behavior he says when it or attraction level drop under a five outtalk 10 aces I was really surprised not in recess is I was really surprised how quickly…

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