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2014-09-26 09:34:42 -0600 commented question How to apply my own Distance Metric in BFMatcher
2014-09-26 08:54:17 -0600 answered a question Object recognition routines.

I am working on Object detection using SURF and BFMatcher for detecting car. May be this would be helpful for u gitHub Repo. Please help me also if you could update or improve the code and apply some other distance measurer like i want to use Jensen-Bregman LogDet Divergence method.

2014-09-25 07:27:35 -0600 commented question How to apply my own Distance Metric in BFMatcher

Thanks Guanta for such a detailed reply. Can you help me how I can match two descriptors? Which information from descriptors is useful for me to find match and corresponding keypoint which has been matched? If there is some code available or some tutorial for matcher that would be very very helpful for me to understand.

2014-09-24 07:13:00 -0600 commented question How to apply my own Distance Metric in BFMatcher

Also Guanta can you help me where to exactly change opencv code to employ this technique?

2014-09-24 07:11:44 -0600 commented question How to apply my own Distance Metric in BFMatcher

Thanks Guanta... Is there any other way to implement covariance distance measuring in any application like tracking cars, face recognition, texture recognition etc. I just want to implement JBLD and compare it distance measurement with others like AIRM, LERM etc.

Also any Matcher like Flann that could still employ Distance measurement?

2014-09-24 05:47:14 -0600 received badge  Supporter (source)
2014-09-24 05:45:25 -0600 received badge  Student (source)
2014-09-24 05:25:26 -0600 asked a question How to apply my own Distance Metric in BFMatcher

I am trying to implement Jensen-Bregman LogDet Divergence which is distance measurable between two covariance matrices. My implementation is to match SURF Features on basis of JBLD.

So my question is how I can implement JBLD distance measurement for BFMatcher now I am using NORM_L2 method.

You can see the source codes and paper on JBLD on gitHub Repo.