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2016-11-15 11:26:03 -0600 received badge  Taxonomist
2014-09-01 02:41:01 -0600 asked a question Indefinitely a must and I had to get

Indefinitely a must and I had to get their I also passed a Morse on wall decals and these the house you guys are quite different from Firmativ the decals that you get from Dollar Tree and what are you a video not today but maybe like tomorrow something and we’ll show you guys the comparison are be decals that I’m showing you guys are the ones I have got my hair which actually look hand-painted worse is the Dollar Tree details because have both but i want to show you guys there is quite different now these kind of decals again they look campaign it so they are better quality than the Dollar Tree I'm but these the house usually are looking up the range between the prices like seventeen dollars eighteen dollars up to sixty dollars depending on the size and what you getting I'm so for me getting them for 599 did I is a great great parts I'm these I'm going to use because once I'm our room is kind of what you call the.

2014-09-01 01:30:31 -0600 asked a question Insurance but that unless the mean you

Insurance but that unless the mean you can afford to go to the doctor the amount of the copes at the position also obviously the cheaper the plan theharbour Co picked up and you know where some these patients are uninsured well I can't Firmativ afford the first place that's why they're uninsured where the hell is the young population who might just don't choose to go around a bit so now you're in your four to go to the doctor undress can't afford to do anything hitting the doctor needs to do so really what I've done sir I'm at my pillow controversial I think where yes no I I bridge I think Oh you know all I mean if you really want to get to bitter and angry on this thingy you could say that all we're really done is established that you're going to have as lot more people in a bad system I think underlying you.