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2017-05-23 03:27:27 -0600 asked a question opencv for android 3.2,no implementation found

error infor: No implementation found for long org.opencv.features2d.DescriptorMatcher.create_0(java.lang.String) (tried Java_org_opencv_features2d_DescriptorMatcher_create_10 and Java_org_opencv_features2d_DescriptorMatcher_create_10__Ljava_lang_String_2)

i am using the opencv manager 3.2,but it is not work

2017-05-04 02:11:08 -0600 commented question planar_tracking selectROI not work

can you explain why i need opencv_contrib module?is there some functions in opencv_contrib module called by selectROI ?

2017-05-03 08:21:35 -0600 commented question planar_tracking selectROI not work

line 162 is the cv::selectROI i am at win7 ,vs2015 ,i don't know how to cmake and build(linux)

2017-05-03 07:58:35 -0600 commented question planar_tracking selectROI not work

the source code is cv::selectROI ,it says there is no selectROI function,so i change it into selectROI then it can call the function,but it crash when i select roi on the frame. so i manually set a rectangel as a roi,i found it is slow in debug mode (in release mode it is faster). so , selectROI function not work in my project . i was in win 7,vs2015 opencv3.2dev. i new my project ,and copy the header file and the main cpp file to my project. thanks a lot .

2017-05-03 02:55:35 -0600 commented question planar_tracking AKAZE ORB demo is pretty slow

release work pretty faster ,just like youtube.thanks

2017-05-03 02:54:37 -0600 commented question planar_tracking selectROI not work

i work in release mode, but when i put down my mouse leftbutton on the frame ,it crash. cv::selectROI(video_name, frame) complier says there is no members in namespace cv so i remove cv:: ,it works.

2017-05-02 22:15:03 -0600 asked a question planar_tracking AKAZE ORB demo is pretty slow

i tried the akaze and orb demo,it works pretty slowly.i was on debug and x64 mode. it is not like that fast.why? thanks a lot.

2017-05-02 03:49:53 -0600 asked a question planar_tracking selectROI not work

I am a newer to opencv,i want to look the planar_tracking demo,but when i new my project in vs2015,the cv::selectROI not resolve, then i change it to selectROI ,it works.i start the application,i select rect by my mouse,it crash,i put down my left mouse button , move ,then leftbutton up.i check the selectROI return rect is 0,0,0,0. please help me!!thanks a lot. here is bug information

Debug Error!

Program: D:\opencv3.2\opencv\build\x64\vc14\bin\opencv_world320d.dll Module: D:\opencv3.2\opencv\build\x64\vc14\bin\opencv_world320d.dll File:

Run-Time Check Failure #2 - S

(Press Retry to debug the application)