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2016-11-05 08:39:36 -0600 received badge  Taxonomist
2014-08-22 01:23:58 -0600 asked a question Would probably bemused to

Would probably bemused to cross yeah early especially that I mean the biggest reason I Ryan people with the correctly is knows ever car me he has Nitro X Proseries so many people that their high school coaches are like you're doing this for HDS first-year classy Sir bullshit thank you he is doing and they have asset and then your honor yeah so or here's a guy coming to gym don't really know what to do in they say is that you're new to jam are lease by membership you've never done with training or lot a chance offer you a free consultation take it up there no-show you the traders show you exactly under everything and just pay shit take it'll help me so much yeah I River I bet you were asked my life what I we train cast ever saw you know fire schoolteacher escort back sale Bahrain school guy and we.