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problem to use eclipse with opencv on ubuntu

Dear all, I am using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, I followed the tutorial

  1. I downloaded Eclipse Helios. I can build and run the "Hello World" program
  2. I downloaded and installed OpenCV_3.1.0
  3. I created an empty project, I copied and pasted the given code
  4. When I try to build the project I have 6 errors. Searching in Internet, I changed the 2 include directives: with "opencv2/opencv.hpp" and I added an include to "iostream"
  5. Still I have 3 errors, I think the last 2 depending to the 1st one:

Description ------------------------------------Resource---------------------Path Location----------------Type\

recipe for target 'DisplayImage' failed----makefile-------------/DisplayImage/Debug------line 45 C/C++ Problem

I really appreciate your help-support. Many thanks in advance, Idil

problem to use eclipse with opencv on ubuntu

Dear all, I am using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, I followed the tutorial

  1. I downloaded Eclipse Helios. I can build and run the "Hello World" program
  2. I downloaded and installed OpenCV_3.1.0
  3. I created an empty project, I copied and pasted the given code
  4. When I try to build the project I have 6 errors. Searching in Internet, I changed the 2 include directives: with "opencv2/opencv.hpp" and I added an include to "iostream"
  5. Still I have 3 errors, I think the last 2 depending to the 1st one:

Description ------------------------------------Resource---------------------Path Location----------------Type\

recipe for target 'DisplayImage' failed----makefile-------------/DisplayImage/Debug------line 45 C/C++ Problem

I really appreciate your help-support. Many thanks in advance, Idil

problem to use eclipse with opencv on ubuntu

Workspace 1_028.jpgDear all, I am using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, I followed the tutorial

  1. I downloaded Eclipse Helios. I can build and run the "Hello World" program
  2. I downloaded and installed OpenCV_3.1.0
  3. I created an empty project, I copied and pasted the given code
  4. When I try to build the project I have 6 errors. Searching in Internet, I changed the 2 include directives: with "opencv2/opencv.hpp" and I added an include to "iostream"
  5. Still I have 3 errors, I think the last 2 depending to the 1st one:

Description ------------------------------------Resource---------------------Path Location----------------Type\

recipe for target 'DisplayImage' failed----makefile-------------/DisplayImage/Debug------line 45 C/C++ Problem

I really appreciate your help-support. Many thanks in advance, Idil