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Open CV support for WinRT and Windows Phone8

What is the current status of OpenCV support for WinRT and Windows Phone 8. Is it ready for release. I have been hearing for 6 months about the support but no news from your side. It is so sad o here that their is no stable release is available yet. At give us an idea about time we need to wait for.

Open CV support for WinRT and Windows Phone8

What is the current status of OpenCV support for WinRT and Windows Phone 8. Is it ready for release. I have been hearing for 6 months about the support but no news from your side. It is so sad o here that their is no stable release is available yet. At give us an idea about time we need to wait for.

Open CV support for WinRT and Windows Phone8

What is the current status of OpenCV support for WinRT and Windows Phone 8. Is it ready for release. I have been hearing for 6 months about the support but no news from your side. It is so sad o here to hear that their is no stable release is available yet. At least give us an idea about time we need to wait for.

Open CV support for WinRT and Windows Phone8

What is the current status of OpenCV support for WinRT and Windows Phone 8. Is it ready for release. I have been hearing for 6 months about the support but no news from your side. It is so sad to hear that their is no stable release is available yet. At least give us an idea about time we need to wait for.