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tracker samples arguments and usage

I don't understand their arguments: * example: * example_tracking_multitracker Bolt/img/%04d.jpg * example_tracking_multitracker faceocc2.webm KCF

Which is it, just an image or a video and a algorithm. The above seems to specify you can do both. And if just an image, how would that work with tracking? Bit confused.

Also - which one is the best ?

tracker samples arguments and usage

I don't understand their arguments: * example: * example_tracking_multitracker Bolt/img/%04d.jpg * example_tracking_multitracker faceocc2.webm KCF

Which is it, just an image or a video and a algorithm. The above seems to specify you can do both. And if just an image, how would that work with tracking? Bit confused.

Also - which one is the best ?

tracker samples arguments and usage

I don't understand their arguments: * arguments:

`* example:
  * example_tracking_multitracker Bolt/img/%04d.jpg
  * example_tracking_multitracker faceocc2.webm KCF


Which is it, just an image or a video and a algorithm. The above seems to specify you can do both. And if just an image, how would that work with tracking? Bit confused.

Also - which one is the best ?