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I have problem with changing array data to matrix.

I have a problem with changing array to matrix because array data type is not proper...

could you help me?

#include <iostream>  // for cout, getline
#include <sstream>  // for istringstream
#include <string>   // for string
#include <opencv2\highgui\highgui.hpp>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdio.h>

using namespace std; using namespace cv;

int main() { std::ifstream file("cell2.txt"); // assume the file opens correctly

double matrix[256][256];

int row = 0, col = 0;
Mat abs_val;
Mat dst(256, 256, CV_32F);

//double dst[256][256];

std::string line;

while (std::getline(file, line)) {  // read each line from the file

    std::istringstream stream(line);

    double x;
    col = 0;  // reset column counter
    while (stream >> x) {  // keep trying to read ints until there are no more
        matrix[row][col] = x;


Mat matrix1(Size(256, 256), CV_32F, matrix);// = Mat(256, 256, CV_32FC1, matrix);
cout << matrix1 << endl;

system("pause >nul");
return 0;


in here when I change the array to the matrix, message data is not read properly...

0.0448286 0.0437008 0.0430881 0.0448606 0.0383793 0.044633 0.0411747 0.0460828 0.0449244 0.042626 0.0447564 0.0404438 0.0397293 0.0428335 0.0440014 0.0427125 0.039638 0.0450739 0.0387029 0.0405195

data type is like this.

Could you tell me problem or change type instead CV_32F?