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image proccessing of the first image (CPU and GPU)

Hello, Why does the image proccessing of the first image takes so long on a cpu and gpu? Probably every Mat needs to be initialized, but why does it take so long? esp. i use cuda for gpu and it takes 5x longer than the cpu version for the first image and same algorithm (sobel).

Does anyone know why image proccessingtakes so long for the first image of a video? Lunarix

image proccessing of for the first image (CPU and GPU)

Hello, Why does the image proccessing of the first image takes so long on a cpu and gpu? Probably every Mat needs to be initialized, but why does it take so long? esp. i use cuda for gpu and it takes 5x longer than the cpu version for the first image and same algorithm (sobel).

Does anyone know why image proccessingtakes so long for the first image of a video? Lunarix