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how can i find my model of KNN

I am a new in Opencv I used Nearest of Opencv to train my app (android app) to detect user activities I already trained my data but unfortunately i couldn't find the generated model of the algorithm For that, I forced to train my code each time I start the app I think it has to be model that I can use it whenever I want but how can I find it?

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updated 2016-04-25 05:09:45 -0600

berak gravatar image

how can i find my model of KNN

I am a new in Opencv I used Nearest of Opencv to train my app (android app) to detect user activities I already trained my data but unfortunately i couldn't find the generated model of the algorithm For that, I forced to train my code each time I start the app I think it has to be model that I can use it whenever I want but how can I find it?