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0xC0000005 dll exception: imwrite functions cvtcolor does not

Good afternoon everybody!

I have what I believe to be a DLL runtime loading, nevertheless I'm at my knowledge's end. If you care to have a look at my failing code:

Mat src;
Mat resized;
Mat gray;
src = imread("C:\\E.bmp", 1);
imwrite("egami.bmp", src);

cvtColor(src, gray, COLOR_RGB2GRAY);
imwrite("egami_gray.bmp", resized);

I am positive that the image is well read because egami.bmp is created correctly with the same lena_std face as usual.

The cvtColor line however throws an exception:

 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000000000000000

I'm puzzled: how can I load and write an image correctly if my dll are not found? Could it be because I switched from 2.4.10 to 3.1 (prebuilt vs2015)? Or have I missed something in VS configuration? It does not seem to be linked to debug/release configurations.

0xC0000005 dll exception: imwrite functions cvtcolor does not

Good afternoon everybody!

I have what I believe to be a DLL runtime loading, nevertheless I'm at my knowledge's end. If you care to have a look at my failing code:

Mat src;
Mat resized;
Mat gray;
src = imread("C:\\E.bmp", 1);
imwrite("egami.bmp", src);

cvtColor(src, gray, COLOR_RGB2GRAY);
imwrite("egami_gray.bmp", resized);

I am positive that the image is well read because egami.bmp is created correctly with the same lena_std face as usual.

The cvtColor line however throws an exception:

 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000000000000000

I'm puzzled: how can I load and write an image correctly if my dll are not found? Could it be because I switched from 2.4.10 to 3.1 (prebuilt vs2015)? Or have I missed something in VS configuration? It does not seem to be linked to debug/release configurations.

edit: the same happens (unsurprisingly when I change the last line to imwrite("egami_gray.bmp", gray);