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linearPolar problem with UMat

I have some problems with cv::linearPolar using UMat in openCV 3.0.

The destination UMat is correct but I can't use it anymore in any other cv function (e.g. when I try to resize it I get a full-black image)

Here's the code:

UMat u1, u2, u3;
u1 = imread("path", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE).GetUMat(ACCESS_RW);
linearPolar(u1, u2, Point(u1.cols / 2, u1.rows / 2), u1.rows / 2,  CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS + CV_INTER_LINEAR);
//correct image
resize(u2, u3, Size(u2.cols * 2, u2.rows * 2));
//completely black image

Another issue: linearPolar seems different from the old cvLinearPolar: with linearPolar I can't set the destination Mat to a precise Size as I did with cvLinearPolar.

Thanks in advance.