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GaussianBlur ksize - correlation with image size


I wrote an algorithm that applies GaussianBlur on several images of different size. I read that GaussianBlur's ksize has to be odd and the same so I tried (5, 5) which works for some images and for others not. Is there some correlation between ksize and the input image's size?

GaussianBlur ksize - correlation with image size


I wrote an algorithm that applies GaussianBlur on several images of different size. I read that GaussianBlur's ksize has to be odd and the same so I tried (5, 5) which works for some images and but for some others not. Is there some correlation between ksize and the input image's size?

GaussianBlur ksize - correlation with image size


I wrote an algorithm that applies GaussianBlur on several images of different size. I read that GaussianBlur's ksize has to be odd and the same so I tried (5, 5) which works for some images but for some others not. not (gives me "OpenCV Error: Assertion failed ...). Is there some correlation between ksize and the input image's size?

GaussianBlur ksize - correlation with image size


I wrote an algorithm that applies GaussianBlur on several images of different size. I read that GaussianBlur's ksize has to be odd and the same so I tried (5, 5) which works for some images but for some others not (gives me "OpenCV Error: Assertion failed ...). ..."). Is there some correlation between ksize and the input image's size?