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Intersection of a contour and line in OpenCV c++?

Hi, I am trying to count the number of cars that passes through a line in opencv c++. I have drawn a line on my frame at a specific point and my idea is every time , a car passes through the line, the count variable will be incremented by 1. So, this is what i did. Step1:- I created an image of zeros with the contour detected in the image. Step2: - Then i created another image of zeros with just the line this time. Step3:- Then i took the bitwise AND between these two image and i get the common pixel intersection between these two images. Step4:- My idea was now if the pixel value in the new image is greater than 0 then i increment the count variable by 1. So, if i do these then i get a huge value of count. This seems absurd and i would like to know how i correct the error. This is my code so far. Please help me out.

Mat drawing1 = Mat::zeros(resize_blur_Img.size(), CV_8UC1 ); Mat drawing2 = Mat::zeros(resize_blur_Img.size(),CV_8UC1); Mat res;

for( int i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++ ) { mc[i] = Point2f( mu[i].m10/mu[i].m00 , mu[i].m01/mu[i].m00 );

 drawContours( drawing1, contours, i, Scalar(255,0,0), 2, 8, hierarchy, 0, Point() );

  for(int i =0 ;i <res.rows;i++)
     for(int j=0; j<res.cols;j++)

       if(<uchar>(i,j) > 0)
           found = true;
           count ++;


           found = false;
          // cout<<found<<endl;


Intersection of a contour and line in OpenCV c++?

Hi, I am trying to count the number of cars that passes through a line in opencv c++. I have drawn a line on my frame at a specific point and my idea is every time , a car passes through the line, the count variable will be incremented by 1. So, this is what i did. Step1:- Step1:- I created an image of zeros with the contour detected in the image. Step2: image.

Step2: - Then i created another image of zeros with just the line this time. Step3:- time.

Step3:- Then i took the bitwise AND between these two image and i get the common pixel intersection between these two images. Step4:- images.

Step4:- My idea was now if the pixel value in the new image is greater than 0 then i increment the count variable by 1.

So, if i do these then i get a huge value of count. This seems absurd and i would like to know how i correct the error. This is my code so far. Please help me out.

Mat drawing1 = Mat::zeros(resize_blur_Img.size(), CV_8UC1 );
Mat drawing2 = Mat::zeros(resize_blur_Img.size(),CV_8UC1);
Mat res;

res; for( int i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++ ) { mc[i] = Point2f( mu[i].m10/mu[i].m00 , mu[i].m01/mu[i].m00 );

 drawContours( drawing1, contours, i, Scalar(255,0,0), 2, 8, hierarchy, 0, Point() );
for(int i =0 ;i <res.rows;i++)
for(int j=0; j<res.cols;j++)
if(<uchar>(i,j) > 0)
found = true;
count ++;
found = false;
// cout<<found<<endl;


Intersection of a contour and line in OpenCV c++?

Hi, I am trying to count the number of cars that passes through a line in opencv c++. I have drawn a line on my frame at a specific point and my idea is every time , a car passes through the line, the count variable will be incremented by 1. So, this is what i did. did.

Step1:- I created an image of zeros with the contour detected in the image.

Step2: - Then i created another image of zeros with just the line this time.

Step3:- Then i took the bitwise AND between these two image and i get the common pixel intersection between these two images.

Step4:- My idea was now if the pixel value in the new image is greater than 0 then i increment the count variable by 1.

So, if i do these then i get a huge value of count. This seems absurd and i would like to know how i correct the error. This is my code so far. Please help me out.

Mat drawing1 = Mat::zeros(resize_blur_Img.size(), CV_8UC1 );
Mat drawing2 = Mat::zeros(resize_blur_Img.size(),CV_8UC1);
Mat res;

for( int i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++ )
     mc[i] = Point2f( mu[i].m10/mu[i].m00 , mu[i].m01/mu[i].m00 );

     drawContours( drawing1, contours, i, Scalar(255,0,0), 2, 8, hierarchy, 0, Point() );

  for(int i =0 ;i <res.rows;i++)
     for(int j=0; j<res.cols;j++)

       if(<uchar>(i,j) > 0)
           found = true;
           count ++;


           found = false;
          // cout<<found<<endl;
