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package 'tbb' not found in opencv 3.1.0 Linux


I am cross compiling OpenCV 3.1.0 with TBB for raspberry pi arm architecture but when I configure cmake, It shows me following warnings.

checking for module 'tbb' package 'tbb' not found

Not sure why If I already set include, stddef.h and lib path. If any have any idea about it, Kindly share it with me. I will appreciate your help.


Tushar Kachhadiya

package 'tbb' not found in opencv 3.1.0 LinuxLinux(Solved)


I am cross compiling OpenCV 3.1.0 with TBB for raspberry pi arm architecture but when I configure cmake, It shows me following warnings.

checking for module 'tbb' package 'tbb' not found

Not sure why If I already set include, stddef.h and lib path. If any have any idea about it, Kindly share it with me. I will appreciate your help.


Tushar Kachhadiya